CTA Section
Main CTA title:
Main CTA text: Health and Medical Apprenticeship Program
Main CTA sub-title: UC Berkeley Public Health and Medical Organization
Outline Button Text:
Button Text:
Button URL: #contactus
What We Do Section
What we do #1 title: Health Service Internship
What we do #1 description: Become involved in the community! Work directly with public health organizations throughout the Bay Area and attend 2-hour weekly discussion sections.
What we do #2 title: Public Health 116
What we do #2 description: Learn about issues and perspectives directly related to health and medicine. Enroll in a 3-unit, P/NP seminar involving a 2-hour lecture (Monday 4-6pm) from guest speakers and a 1-hour discussion.
What we do #3 title: Field Study Internship
What we do #3 description:
Earn shadowing experience! Observe and interact with physicians in your fields of interest (e.g. pediatrics, urology, obstetrics, cardiology, plastic surgery, etc.).
Pie Chart Section
Section title: What is HMAP?
Section sub-title: HMAP was created in 1984 by four UC Berkeley undergraduates with the goal to introduce Berkeley students to ethical issues and philosophical dilemmas related to the fields of health and medicine. The results of their efforts are three subprograms: Health Service Internship (HSI), the class Public Health 116 (PH116), and the Field Study Internship (FSI). An entirely student-run organization, HMAP continues to expose students to a broad spectrum of experiences and opportunities, covering many facets of health and medicine while emphasizing participatory learning.
Section content: Our members go off into a variety of career paths, including but not limited to the following:
Pie Chart #1 Heading: MD/PhD
Pie Chart #1 Percentage: 34
Pie Chart #2 Heading: Masters in Public Health (MPH)
Pie Chart #2 Percentage: 74
Pie Chart #3 Heading: Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
Pie Chart #3 Percentage: 84
Pie Chart #4 Heading: Other
Pie Chart #4 Percentage: 100
Recent Works Section
Section title: Subprograms
Section sub-title: Learn more about our three subprograms: Health Service Internship (HSI), Public Health 116 (PH 116), and Field Study Internship (FSI)!
Project #1 Image: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/wsi-imageoptim-medical-manager-1024×681-1.jpg
Project #1 Logo: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/HSI-Instsgram-Profile-Pic-e1634023614357.png
Project #1 URL: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/hsi/
Project #2 Image: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/800-Doctors-Talking-GettyImages-1421919753.jpg
Project #2 URL: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/ph-198/
Project #3 Image: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/800-Doctors-Talking-GettyImages-1421919753.jpg
Project #3 URL: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/fsi-2/
Testimonials Section
Section title: Past Alumni Testimonials
Section sub-title:
Testimonial #1 Person Name: Kira Shea, HMAP Coordinator (’19-’20)
Testimonial #1 Content: Coming from a Public Health and Public Policy background, Health and Medical Apprenticeship Program has been pivotal to my experience at UC Berkeley. Over the last four years, this organization has shaped my journey and I want to express my immense gratitude for working for HMAP.
Testimonial #1 Person Image: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/kira-shea.jpeg
Testimonial #2 Person Name: Mahima Sinha, HSI Coordinator (’22-’23)
Testimonial #2 Content: HSI was one of the most formative aspects of my college career. I had the opportunity to learn about public health in a new way through insightful discussions with my peers and hands-on exposure to non-profit organizations. I developed essential professional skills, such as leadership, effective communication, and team collaboration. HSI has given me a deeper understanding of the health disparities and inequities that affect underserved populations, while also providing me with a framework to help combat these issues in my future career. I highly recommend participating in HSI if you are interested in working directly with Bay Area communities on a variety of public health initiatives!
Testimonial #2 Person Image: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/P1080325-Mahima-Sinha-scaled.jpeg
Testimonial #3 Person Name: Emily Gainor, FSI Coordinator (’19-’20)
Testimonial #3 Content: HMAP has been such a pivotal, important part of my college career. It changed the way I think about the world and how I act within it. It changed the way I view complex issues and how I view people. I wrote extensively about FSI in all of my MPH applications, and how it inspired me to change the world and advocate for vulnerable communities that are disproportionately affected by disease. So far, I’ve been accepted into every program I applied to. This organization has meant so much to me that I am still struggling to put my thoughts into words.
Testimonial #3 Person Image: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/emily-gainor.jpeg
Team Section
Section title: Meet the Coordinator
Section sub-title:
Team #1 Name: Nareh Harehtounian
Team #1 Image: https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~hmap/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/IMG_2190-Nareh-Haroutonian-scaled.jpg
Team #2 Name: Jean Ye
Team #2 Image:
Team #2 Email: jeanye@berkeley.edu
Team #3 Name: Tyre Richardson
Team #3 Image:
Contact Section
Section title: Contact us
Section sub-title:
Left Heading 1: Address
Left Heading 2: Contact
Email: hmap@berkeley.edu
Address: ASUC/Health and Medical Apprenticeship Program (HMAP)
University of California
Floor 3 Cubicle 7 Eshleman Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-4520