What is HSI?
The Health Service Internship (HSI) program is dedicated to service and community engagement in underserved populations in the Bay Area. It is a 3-unit, Pass/No Pass semester-long program that places students in internships with community and non-profit organizations throughout the Bay, with emphasis on public health.
Coupled with the 6-8 hour a week internship, students attend a weekly 2 hour section where they discuss major issues in the field of public health. This class offers the intimacy and confidentiality necessary to approach public health from an unbiased, holistic angle. Participation in the program involves engaging in a dialogue regarding systemic health inequities and encouraging community participation in public health-oriented solutions.

HSI Placements
Interns will be involved in non-profit organizations where they will work with administrative staff. Past internships have ranged across a variety of interests, including but not limited to internships with youth mentorship programs, resource centers for cancer patients, food justice organizations, and refugee health centers. Intern duties can also vary and are determined by the organizations and their needs, and interns can gain exposure to methods such as direct service provision, health education campaigns and public policy/advocacy, to name a few.
Past placements include, but are not limited to, the following:
Additional Events
Throughout the semester, interns will get to participate in various events, including intern socials, professional development workshops, speaker panels, and site visits! In addition to equipping interns with the professional skillsets needed to excel in the workforce, these events are designed to help interns become closer with passionate, like-minded students and foster a strong community within the public health space at UC Berkeley.

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