Field Study Internship
The Field Study Internship is a three-unit class designed to acquaint UC Berkeley undergraduate students with the role of health professionals in the community. We strive to increase the student’s awareness of current social, ethical, and political issues in medicine. In addition to attending weekly discussion sections to address these issues, students also are assigned to shadow health professionals and witness the medical setting firsthand.
What does FSI entail?
During the twelve-week-long placement, students are provided with the unique opportunity to experience the day-to-day workings of the medical profession and see how physicians interact with their patients, colleagues, nurses, and hospital administration. Interns observe as well as interact with these physicians as they deal with patients, ethical issues, paperwork, and problems in their daily practices. Field Study Interns are required to shadow their preceptors for a minimum of 6-8 hours per week and attend a weekly two-hour discussion section. Throughout the semester, the intern must complete writing assignments, a weekly journal, projects, oral presentations, program evaluations, and events.
In its 38 years of operation, the program has gained support from fourteen University of California departments and earned national acclaim from the AAMC. The success of the program is owed to the time and knowledge contributed by our preceptors.
For more info, contact the FSI coordinator(s) at fsicoordinator@berkeley.edu
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