Dr. Allen Fremont, who passed at age 56, expressed an enduring commitment to the Health and Medical Apprenticeship Program from its inception. Countless UC Berkeley students have been able to participate in HMAP over the past 38 years. He was a Physician and Sociologist at RAND with appointments at UCLA and the West LA VAMC. He had extensive experience working with health care delivery systems and conducting translational research projects to address gaps in care and outcomes. He led RAND’s consortium of 30 health care organizations participating in AHRQ’s Accelerating Change and Translation in Organizations and Networks (ACTION) program (2005-2010). He served as Co-PI/Co-Director of the California Comparative Effectiveness and Outcomes Improvement Center (2009-2012). He also supported regional and community level pilots to help foster shared action among diverse stakeholders (e.g., health plans, provider groups, public health agencies, state regulators, and non-profit organizations), including the California Right Care Initiative (RCI) and the San Diego Be There initiative.
Dr. Fremont attended U.C. Berkeley (BA, Social Psychophysiology), Medical Scholars Program – University of Illinois, Urbana (Ph.D., Sociology) and Dartmouth Medical School (M.D.). He completed an Internal Medicine Residency at Beth Israel-Deaconess Medical Center, and a GIM Fellowship at Brigham & Women’s Hospital Boston & the Dept. of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School. He is Co-Editor of the Handbook of Medical Sociology, 5th and 6th Edition, an NIH Disparities Scholar, cancer survivor, husband, and father of 2 boys.